Discussion papers

No 167 Exchange Rate Narratives Vito Cormun and Kim Ristolainen

No 166 Mobilizing young voters with short text messages in nationwide field experiments Salomo Hirvonen, Maarit Lassander, Lauri Sääksvuori, and Janne Tukiainen

No 165 Behavioral Implementation Without Unanimity Ville Korpela, Michele Lombardi, and Julius Zachariassen

No 164 The Gatekeeper’s Dilemma: Political Selection or Team Effort Jon H. Fiva, Federica Izzo, and Janne Tukiainen

No 163 Does inflation come and go in the same way? Juhana Hukkinen and Matti Viren

No 162 Effects of Increased Transparency on Political Divides and MP Behavior: Evidence from Televised Question Hours in the Finnish
Jeremias Nieminen, Salla Simola, and Janne Tukiainen

No 161 Political representation and the evolution of group differences within parties: Evidence from 110 years of parliamentary speech Jeremias Nieminen, Salla Simola, and Janne Tukiainen

No 160 A century of partisanship in Finnish political speech Salla Simola, Jeremias Nieminen, and Janne Tukiainen

No 159 Does income transparency affect support for
redistribution? Evidence from Finland’s tax day
Maurice Dunaiski and Janne Tukiainen

No 158 Delegation and Recruitment in Organizations:
The Slippery Slope to “Bad” Leadership
Selcen Çakır, Konstantinos Matakos, and Janne Tukiainen

No 157 Who is mobilized to vote by short text messages? Evidence from a nationwide field experiment with young voters Salomo Hirvonen, Maarit Lassander, Lauri Sääksvuori, and Janne Tukiainen

No 156 Narrative Triggers of Information Sensitivity Kim Ristolainen

No 155 Policy Feedback and Civic Engagement: Evidence from the
Finnish Basic Income Experiment
Salomo Hirvonen, Jerome Schafer, and Janne Tukiainen

No 154 Consumption-led expansions are toxic for future output growth Matti Viren

No 153 Is globalization the root cause of declining inflation? Juhana Hukkinen and Matti Viren

No 152 Personality traits and cognitive ability in political selection Markus Jokela, Jaakko Meriläinen, Janne Tukiainen, and Åsa von Schoultz

No 151 The fiscal consequences of immigration: a study of local governments’ expenditures Matti Viren

No 150 An implementation approach to rotation programs Ville Korpela, Michele Lombardi, and Riccardo D. Saulle

No 149 A Thousand Words Tell More Than Just Numbers: Financial Crises and Historical Headlines Kim Ristolainen, Tomi Roukka, and Henri Nyberg

No 148 Exploring the labor market consequences of psychiatric disorders: An event study approach Henri Salokangas

No 147 Economic Growth through Worker Reallocation: The Role of Knowledge Spillovers Eero Mäkynen

No 146 Uncertainty, Misallocation and the Life-cycle Growth of Firms Eero Mäkynen and Oskari Vähämaa

No 145 Mental disorders and lifetime earnings Henri Salokangas

No 144 Estimating Tax Noncompliance among the Self-Employed – Evidence from Pleasure Boat Registers Per Engström, Johannes Hagen, and Edvard Johansson

No 143 Pre-Electoral Coalitions: Insights into the Boundaries
of Political Parties
Rafael Hortala-Vallve, Jaakko Meriläinen, and Janne

No 142 Class, Social Mobility, and Voting: Evidence from Historical Voting Records Torun Dewan, Christopher Kam, Jaakko Meriläinen, and Janne Tukiainen

No 141 Behavioral Strong Implementation Takashi Hayashi, Ritesh Jain, Ville Korpela, and Michele Lombardi

No 140 Implementation with farsighted agents Ville Korpela, Michele Lombardi, and Hannu Vartiainen

No 139 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Markets for Diagnostic Services: Evidence from the Finnish Private Health Care Sector Mikko Nurminen

No 138 Love Thy (Elected) Neighbor? Residential Segregation, Political Representation and Local Public Goods Oskari Harjunen, Tuukka Saarimaa, and Janne Tukiainen

No 137 The Advantage of Incumbents in Coalitional Bargaining Jaakko Meriläinen and Janne Tukiainen

No 136 Compulsory face mask policies do not affect community mobility in Germany Roxanne Kovacs, Maurice Dunaiski, and Janne Tukiainen

No 135 How Much Should We Trust Regression Discontinuity Design Estimates? Evidence from Experimental Benchmarks of the Incumbency Advantage Leandro De Magalhaes, Dominik Hangartner, Salomo Hirvonen, Jaakko Meriläinen, Nelson A. Ruiz, and Janne Tukiainen

No 134 Equality Enhancing Benefit Cut – Possible but Unlikely Mauri Kotamäki

No 133 Cash incentives to mothers or to community health workers – what contributes better to the health of the mother and the newborn? Evidence from India Susmita Baulia

No 132 Refugee Migration and the Politics of Redistribution: Do Supply and Demand Meet? Konstantinos Matakos, Riikka Savolainen, and Janne Tukiainen

No 131 A Note on Nash Equilibrium and Fixed Point Theorems Mitri Kitti and Hannu Salonen

No 130 A Cohort-Analysis of Age-Wealth Profile in Finland Päivi Kankaanranta

No 129 Effects of subsidizing the first employee – Empirical evidence from Finland Annika Nivala

No 128 A Cluster and a Search Market Can Coexist Juha Virrankoski

No 127 The effect of reporting institutions on tax evasion: Evidence from the lab Kaisa Kotakorpi, Satu Metsälampi, Topi Miettinen, and Tuomas Nurminen

No 126 Tax Compliance in the Rental Housing Market: Evidence from a Field Experiment Essi Eerola, Tuomas Kosonen, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Teemu Lyytikäinen, and Jarno Tuimala

No 125 Recession Prediction with Optimal Use of Leading Indicators Heikki Kauppi

No 124 Boosting Non-linear Predictability of Macroeconomic Time Series Heikki Kauppi and Timo Virtanen

No 123 Complexity and benefit take-up: Empirical evidence from the Finnish homecare allowance Tomer Blumkin, Tuomas Kosonen, and Kaisa Kotakorpi

No 122 Accounting for the role of tax-benefit changes in shaping income inequality: A new method, with application to income inequality in Finland Joonas Ollonqvist

No 121 Household shocks and utilization of preventive healthcare for children: Evidence from Uganda Susmita Baulia

No 120 Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Continuous-Time Repeated Games Mitri Kitti

No 119 Financial Incentives to Work Decomposed: The Finnish Case Mauri Kotamäki and Joonas Ollonqvist

No 118 Recursive Clustering Methods for Network Analysis Mitri Kitti, Matti Pihlava, and Hannu Salonen”

No 117 Take-up of joint and individual liability loans: an analysis with laboratory experiments Susmita Baulia

No 116 Search in Networks: The Case of Board Interlocks Mitri Kitti, Matti Pihlava, and Hannu Salonen

No 115 The long-term effects of alcohol availability on mortality: Evidence from an alcohol reform Henri Salokangas

No 114 The Generalized Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Heikki Kauppi

No 113 Migration effects on municipalities’ expenditures Matti Viren

No 112 Self-control problems and personalized regulation: Sin licenses revisited Markus Haavio and Kaisa Kotakorpi

No 111 The Finnish corporate network – empirical findings from the board room network Matti Pihlava

No 110 Social Choice Theory: A Neglected Path to Possibility Ville Korpela

No 109 Mutually Best Matches Hannu Salonen and Mikko A.A. Salonen

No 108 Procedurally Fair Implementation: The Cost of Insisting on Symmetry Ville Korpela

No 107 Participation Tax Rates in Finland, Earned-income Tax Credit Investigated Mauri Kotamäki

No 106 Bonacich Network Measures as Minimum Norm Solutions Hannu Salonen”

No 105 Economic hardship and suicides, Marko Korhonen, Mikko Puhakka, and Matti Viren (currently not available)

No 104 Remedies for European growth problem Matti Viren

No 103 The EMU and the anchoring of inflation expectations? David Mayes, Maritta Paloviita, and Matti Viren

No 102 The relationship between distance-to-default and CDS spreads as measures of default risk for European banks Kim Ristolainen

No 101 Layoff Orders and Occupational Mobility via Unemployment Oskari Vähämaa

No 100 Bonacich Measures as Equilibria in Network Models Hannu Salonen

No 99 Were the Scandinavian Banking Crises Predictable? A Neural Network Approach Kim Ristolainen”

No 98 Equilibrium Payoffs for Pure Strategies in Repeated Games Mitri Kitti

No 97 A Kink that Makes you Sick: the Effect of Sick Pay on Absence in a Social Insurance System Petri Böckerman, Ohto Kanninen, and Ilpo Suoniemi

No 96 Equilibrium paths in discounted supergames Kimmo Berg and Mitri Kitti

No 95 All Deceptions Are Not Alike: Bayesian Mechanism Design with Social Norm Against Lying Ville Korpela

No 94 Regional differences in housing price dynamics: panel data evidence Elias Oikarinen and Janne Engblom

No 93 Central bank independence and sovereign debt crisis. Any link? Kari Heimonen and Aleksandra Maslowska-Jokinen

No 92 Equilibria and Centrality in Link Formation Games Hannu Salonen

No 91 Regional variation in the elasticity of supply of housing, and its determinants: The case of a small sparsely populated country Elias Oikarinen, Risto Peltola, and Eero Valtonen

No 90 The Price of Euro: Evidence from Sovereign Debt Markets Erik Mäkelä

No 89 Reciprocal Equilibria in Link Formation Games Hannu Salonen

No 88 Public debt is always toxic to economic growth Juhana Hukkinen and Matti Viren

No 87 Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games Mitri Kitti

No 86 Returns to office in national and local politics Kaisa Kotakorpi, Panu Poutvaara, and Marko Terviö

No 85 Utilitarian Preferences and Potential Games Hannu Salonen

No 84 Risk premium, macroeconomics shocks, and information technology: An empirical analysis Pekka Mannonen and Elias Oikarinen

No 83 Inflation in Poland under state-dependent pricing Pawel Baranowski, Mariusz Gorajski, Maciej Malaczewski, and Grzegorz Szafranski

No 82 Problems of Fiscal Consolidation and Policy Coordination Matti Viren

No 81 The Welfare Effects of Health-Based Food Tax Policy Tommi Härkänen, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Pirjo Pietinen, Jukka Pirttilä, Heli Reinivuo, and Ilpo Suoniemi

No 80 Bargaining and Rent Seeking Haruo Imai and Hannu Salonen

No 79 Axioms for Centrality Scoring with Principal Eigenvectors Mitri Kitti

No 78 Gun Laws and Crime: An Empirical Assessment Matti Viren

No 77 Are individual survey expectations internally consistent? Maritta Paloviita and Matti Viren

No 76 Analyzing the relationships between survey forecasts for different variables and countries Maritta Paloviita and Matti Viren

No 75 Sin Licenses Revisited Markus Haavio and Kaisa Kotakorpi

No 74 A Differential Approach to Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem Ville Korpela

No 73 Aggregating and Updating Information Hannu Salonen

No 72 On Markovian Cake Sharing Problems Hannu Salonen

No 71 Distribution of pure Nash equilibria in n –person games with random best responses Klaus Kultti, Hannu Salonen and Hannu Vartiainen

No 70 Fiscal policy coordination in the EMU: A problem with asymmetry and aggregation Matti Viren

No 69 Optimal Design of Bank Bailouts: Prompt Corrective Action Juha-Pekka Niinimaki

No 68 On the Existence of Markov Perfect Equilibria in Perfect Information Games Hannu Salonen and Hannu Vartiainen

No 67 Learning by Devaluating: A Supply-Side Effect of Competitive Devaluation Juha Tervala

No 66 International Welfare Effects of Monetary Policy Juha Tervala

No 65 Keeping Up with the Joneses and the Welfare Effects of Monetary Policy Juha Tervala

No 64 Coordination in the Labor Market Marja-Liisa Halko and Juha Virrankoski

No 63 Pricing currency risk in the stock market: Empirical evidence from Finland and Sweden 1970-2009 Jan Antell and Mika Vaihekoski

No 62 Money Supply Rules and Exchange Rate Dynamics Juha Tervala

No 61 Momentum and mean reversion in regional housing markets: Evidence from variance ratio tests Elias Oikarinen

No 60 Response speeds of direct and securitized real estate to shocks in the fundamentals Elias Oikarinen, Martin Hoesli and Camilo Serrano

No 59 Public Options and Altruistic Firms – Antitrust Targets or Tools? The Welfare Impact of a Mixed Oligopoly With Managerial Firms Johan Willner

No 58 International Transmission of Environmental Policy: A New Keynesian Perspective Giovanni Ganelli and Juha Tervala

No 57 Yield-Curve Based Probability Forecasts of U.S. Recessions: Stability and Dynamics Heikki Kauppi

No 56 The reaction speeds of prices and transaction volume in the Finnish housing market to demand shocks Elias Oikarinen

No 55 Review of literature on the productivity of public capital
Pellervo Hämäläinen

No 54 The fiscal multiplier: positive or negative?
Juha Tervala

No 53 Dynamic linkages between housing and lot prices: Empirical evidence from Helsinki Elias Oikarinen

No. 52 Do Standard Real Option Models Overestimate the Required Rate of Return of Real Estate Investment Opportunities? Limit Solutions for Finite Horizon Bargaining Problems
Luis H. R. Alvarez, Jukka Lempa, Elias Oikarinen

No. 51 Limit Solutions for Finite Horizon Bargaining Problems
Haruo Imai, Hannu Salonen

No. 50 Optimal Economic Growth Using Fiscal and Monetary Policies
Hassan Bougrine, Teppo Rakkolainen

No. 49 Instituutioiden muodot, merkitys ja toiminta
Martti Vihanto

No. 48 House Price Fluctuations and Residential Sorting
Markus Haavio, Heikki Kauppi

No. 47 Anticipatory effects of curriculum tracking
Kristian Koerselman

No. 46 Using Taylor Rule to Explain Effects of Institutional Changes in Central Banks Aleksandra Maslowska

No. 45 The Excess Power Puzzle of the EU Budget
Heikki Kauppi, Mika Widgrén

No. 44 Auction Design without Commitment
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 43 Demented Prisoners
Klaus Kultti, Hannu Salonen

No. 42 Regional differences in bank office service accessibility: an entry approach Aki Koponen

No. 41 Offshoring, Relocation and the Speed of Convergence: Convergence in the Enlarged European Union Kari E. O. Alho, Ville Kaitila, Mika Widgrén

No. 40 Selfish and Prospective. Theory and Evidence of Pocketbook Voting Mikael Elinder, Henrik Jordahl, Panu Poutvaara

No. 39 Empirical application of the housing-market no-arbitrage condition: problems, solutions and a Finnish case study Elias Oikarinen

No. 38 Do Benevolent Aspects Have Room in Explaining EU Budget Receipts? Heikki Kauppi, Mika Widgrén

No. 37. Quest for the best: How to measure central bank independence and show its relation with inflation? Aleksandra Masłowska

No. 36 The Optimal Stopping Problem of Dupuis and Wang: A Generalization Jukka Lempa

No. 35 One-deviation principle in coalition formation
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 34 A conflict-free arbitration scheme in a large population
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 33 Dynamic stable set
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 32 Bargaining with Many Players: A Limit Result
Klaus Kultti, Hannu Vartiainen

No. 31 Yield-Curve Based Probit Models for Forecasting U.S. Recessions: Stability and Dynamics Heikki Kauppi

No. 30 Global Democracy: In the Beginning
Robert E. Goodin

No. 29 Interaction between housing prices and household borrowing – the Finnish case Elias Oikarinen

No. 28 Congestion, Coordination and Matching
Marja-Liisa Halko, Hannu Salonen

No. 27 Can open sourcing lead to inferior standards?
Kristian Koerselman

No. 26 The Impact of Council’s Internal Decision-Making Rules on the Future EU Mika Widgrén

No. 25 Knightian Uncertainty,κ-Ignorance, and Optimal Timing Luis H. R. Alvarez E.

No. 24 Alleviating unemployment traps in Finland: Can the efficiency-equity trade-off be avoided?Pertti Honkanen, Markus Jäntti, Jukka Pirttilä

No. 23 Static Costs vs. Dynamic Benefits of a Minimum Quality Standard under Cournot Competition Stefan Napel, Gunnar Oldehaver

No. 22 Dynamic Farsighted Stability
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 21 Discussion on the Inconsistency of Central Bank Independence Measures Aleksandra Masłowska

No. 20 Cognitive Equilibrium
Hannu Vartiainen

No. 19 Multilateral Non-Cooperative Bargaining in a General Utility Space Hannu Vartiainen, Klaus Kultti

No. 18 Endogeeniset preferenssit, tunteet ja sosiaalisen pääoman murtautuminen taloustieteeseen Martti Vihanto

No. 17 The Role of Central Bank in the Recession in the Case of Japan’s Recession Shigeyoshi Miyagawa, Yoji Morita, Yoshitaka Sawada

No. 16 Valuating Payoff Streams under Unequal Discount Factors
Hannu Salonen, Hannu Vartiainen

No. 15 Assessing Borda’s Rule and Its Modifications
Hannu Nurmi

No. 14 Optimal Dividend Control in Presence of Downside Risk L.H.R. Alvarez, T.A. Rakkolainen

No. 13 Higher wages and capital intensity: a closer look Matti Viren

No. 12 Minimum Guaranteed Payments and Costly Cancellation Rights: A Stopping Game Perspective Luis H. R. Alvarez E.

No. 11 A Class of Solvable Stopping Games
Luis H. R. Alvarez E.

No. 10 Turkish EU Membership: A Simulation Study of Economic Effects Pekka Sulamaa, Mika Widgrén

No. 9 A Class of Solvable Optimal Stopping Problems of Spectrally Negative Jump Diffusions L.H.R. Alvarez, T.A. Rakkolainen

No. 8 The Effects of the Size of the Public Sector on Fertility Mikko Puhakka, Matti Viren

No. 7 Consumption Over the Life Cycle: A Selected Literature Review Päivi Kankaanranta

No. 6 The European Commission – Appointment, Preferences and Institutional Relations Stefan Napel, Mika Widgrén

No. 5 Inflation Expectations and Regime Shifts
Matti Viren

No. 4 Irreversible Investment, Incremental Capital Accumulation, and Price Uncertainty Luis H. R. Alvarez E.

No. 3 On Infinite Horizon Optimal Stopping of General Random Walk Jukka Lempa

No. 2 Voting Rules and Budget Allocation in an Enlarged EU
Heikki Kauppi, Mika Widgrén

No. 1 Intergenerational Mobility and Macroeconomic History Dependence Dilip Mookherjee, Stefan Napel